
Swollen ankles and a tired voice...

must mean I'm back at work in Taiwan. I arrived about 53 hours ago, and have already worked two days, teaching only 3 hours on Monday and 4.5 Tuesday. (I've got to get back in the habit of taking my vitamins, because tomorrow and Thursday are 6 hour days.) Jetlag's not been too bad, but I stayed up really late last night saying goodbye to Erin, my co-teacher and friend. She left today to return to her life in Canada. I'm really proud of her for finishing well. We were side by side in this endeavor for the most of this year, 'til I left at the end of June, and I sometimes felt like I was abandoning her in her greatest hour of need. But, she persevered, finished strong, and today she left a lot of students who love her. We got to scoot over to the beach last night for a few hours and watch the moon starting to set. It was great closure for two girls that have "survived" the work schedule and culture of Taiwan for a year. I will miss her.

So, I've still not heard from New York, but it's only been two weeks this Wednesday, which means it's just reaching the minimal amount of time. They said it would be 2-4 weeks before they let me know. Thanks to all of you who are praying with me/for me about this next move for me.

Sorry to keep this short, but I'll need to sleep now......zzzzzzzzzzzz.

Until next time,
LC from the TW

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