
Four Days later...

...I'm finally getting back to my blog. And now, it's December, the first Monday in December, and I've got teaching to do today. I like my Monday schedule though, since I teach A8 (challenging but small group of 8-10 year olds) which I've blogged a lot about, followed by A7 (children mainly 8-12 years old a little more advanced, this class has the ever adorable Cosmo in it - his former teacher must have been a Seinfeld fan!), and my last class on Monday is B4, a group of 13-14 year olds, one of two "more advanced" classes that I teach, they're not too bad, most of the time. I finish early on Mondays, the only day of the week that this is true, so I tend to enjoy that a lot. On Monday, I get home around 8:30 rather than my usual 10:00. Oh the things you can do with an hour and a half.

So, this is just a brief check in. I've gotten another cold, which really stinks since it's only been one month ago that I had the last one. I'm going to strategize a little better to try to keep future colds at bay. Feel free to offer any advice about that. (I'm taking vitamins now and exercising, so don't know much of what else to do.) In spite of the cold, I had a really good weekend. I worked Saturday morning, and had a casual rest of Saturday. In the evening, I fixed some fried okra that I had bought fresh last weekend, and made some mac n cheese from the local foreign foods store (it's actually called Annie's Shells and White Cheddar...va va!) and it was some good eatin' I can tell ya. We got a third roommate on Saturday when Mari came "home" from the hospital. She's now staying with us while she convalesces after her scooter accident about 10 days ago. It's great to have her here. She's easy going and draws a fair number of folks in to visit her, so the house is full of activity, which I enjoy.

Sunday was a continuation of Saturday in some ways. I led worship at church, and in much the same way as one month ago, I managed to make it through the first set of worship before the sermon without cracking, but...just as I finished praying, and as the pastor was taking the pulpit, I had a coughing attack that caused me to have to go out of the service and retreat to the bathroom for a few minutes. And, similarly to a month ago, Deacon John (very nice guy), came to my aid. This time, he ran out to the pharmacy and bought some hot patches (like for sports injuries) and by the time I came out of the bathroom he was unwrapping it and heading for my throat. Funny me, finishing the last part of the service with a white patch on my throat, but you know you can't really deny someone their deeply held beliefs in a medical remedy. Not that I would question it, 'cause I was able to hold it together for the last two songs.

I relaxed at home in the afternoon, but had an unexpected visit from my co-worker, Sharon, who was at the big warehouse shop close to our house and called to see what I was doing. She was shopping there with her mother and dropped by afterwards. She was telling me that her mom was buying five big cans of cereal and she said, "you know the kind for old people, it's not for breakfast, but old people like it." I said, "Are you talking about oatmeal?" and she didn't know that word. Then, she came into my kitchen and pointed at the Quaker oatmeal on my shelf and said, "This one!" To which I smiled and said, "Yea, that's for old people alright!" At any rate, I was glad to see her. I think she's someone God has given me favor with, so I'm glad to get to spend a little time with her away from work.

Well, that's my weekend in a nutshell. I will do better in December to write more frequently. November was more like a once a week thing, so I am aiming higher for December.

Have a great week.

Until next time, LC


Stephanie C. said...

I don't care for the big name brand of mac n cheese, but I do love the Annie's Shells and White Cheddar; it's the only kind I buy!

Womack said...

Micah must be an old man then, cause that's his breakfast probably 4-5 days out of the week and he loves it! It is usually accompanied by a banana though. In fact, I love oatmeal too, guess I'm getting old!

Sharona said...

HAHAHA! I love the 'unwrapped and headed for my throat' line! I can soooooo picture it. That is GREAT. Also, note to self: quick swigging nyquil and try the sports wrap, instead...