
Hump Day...

and I really need a few prayers to finish strong this week. Monday morning, my friend Julie called me to ask if I could sub at a really easy job for the mornings this week, 8-12. I went to see the school and meet the class and co-teacher, and was so impressed with everything, I said I'd do it. Yesterday was my first full day to start at 8 and finish at 9:15, and now I'm facing three more of those, so I need prayer. You may ask why I would do this, but I guess all I can say is it seemed o.k. to do it, the job is pretty easy, (although it's watching over 12 pre-K kids, including 3 precocious little boys), the co-teacher has great English, and I found out yesterday she goes to the Chinese speaking congregation at my church, so that's cool. The extra pay I'll get this week will pay for my rent for a month, and that's handy since I'm looking at being gone for a whole month this summer, spending instead of earning. AND, on the health front, my cold is gone since I'm pumping my body with Vitamin C and water every day, so my energy is a little better.

All in all, I know the week will fly, but what I want prayer for is...patience with all my kids. This has to come from God as I'm not naturally gifted in this area (as you know) and when you throw in normal weariness from long days with living in this foreign context, I can be pretty crabby. Pray that my usual classes at my school will run smoothly and I will be gracious to ALL my children. Big prayer!

Speaking of prayer, thanks for praying for Lee-Sheen and his parents. The father met us after church for lunch, but LS and his mom came to church!! Big praise. We had a great afternoon and I was so happy to finally get to connect with the father, as I have never had an opportunity before. His English name is Frank, and as I said, her name is Jean, so keep praying for our relationship when you think about me.

I have a free day on Saturday to recover from this week, and I get off at 7:40 on Fridays now, so I'll check in at the weekend to let you know how God answered your prayers. Thanks again for loving me from a distance.

Until next time, LC

1 comment:

Womack said...

You got it, friend!
Miss ya,
P.S. I put a post on the blog, finally. Pray for Micah... you can read about it on there.