
Pictures as previously promised...

As always, not much time for posting an entry, but here are the photos of Sunny, one from last week, and one from this week's Monday class. I posted the entry mentioning her on Monday morning before work, and then went to teach her class. Didn't she show up with the cutest pants on and her hair done up like she was in a wedding or something? I tell you, watch this girl, 'cause if she doesn't grow up to be a model in Taiwan/Asia somewhere, I'll be shocked and her mother will be devastated I'm guessing.

Gotta get classes planned for the day, so I can work, come home and pack, and leave for school tomorrow ready to be picked up after two classes and swept off to the airport for an evening flight to THAILAND. Beach resort, cheap massages, good Thai food, and Thai coffee here I come...for 3 glorious days. Woo hoo!!

Until next time, LC

Sunny, last week, walking across the room before
she was aware I had the camera out. Love the stripes!

I had her stand up and read with Jessie and Juliana
this week in class to try to get her ensemble,
and the hair, but it's not a great shot. You get the idea.

1 comment:

Grana said...

Are you there???
Miss you!!!