
If it would only snow tomorrow...

we would have "enjoyed" all four seasons this week. I can't believe the weather this week in Hsinchu. We have wind most days, so if I tell you it's been windy, you must know it's been VERY windy. That said, on Sunday, it was so humid and hot, I changed clothes about four times I think. Then in the night, it turned cold. I mean really cold, and by the time I scooted to work, it was raining and windy! That continued on Tuesday and Wednesday, with the clouds parting late in the evening while I was in class , so I drove home last night in a mist rather than deluge. Now it's Thursday morning and the sun is bursting through blue skies and I can feel the heat returning. Global warming I guess!

Weather report finished, I have to tell you something very serious and sad this morning. I have friends all over the world, because of my faith and my journey with other like-minded people. A couple that I've known since before they started dating, live in Indonesia with their two children. Todd and Timberley, are from San Mateo, California and Richmond, Virginia, respectively and they got married in San Francisco at FBC about a dozen years ago or so, after meeting and dating while we were all in seminary together at GGBTS. I met Timberley in '89 when we served as journeymen in the same class at the IMB. I would have visited her in Cyprus when I was living in Scotland but George the 1st started the Gulf War about the time I was set to travel there so I went to Spain instead. I was living in the dorms at GG with Timberley when she started crushing on the intellectually attractive Todd. So, I got to be part of the processing for her while they dated and were engaged. I was at their wedding at FBC after I helped them become associate members so they wouldn't have to pay to get married there.

I haven't seen them much in the past 6 years or so, because they've been serving overseas, but I had met their two children, Samuel, who is about 11 I think and Anna, age 9 or 10, in California when they were on sabbatical. Todd is a professor at a seminary now. I receive their monthly updates and prayer requests so I know what's going on with them.

This morning, I opened a somewhat cryptic email that said their daughter, Anna, had gone to be with the Lord after an accident yesterday. I am in shock and cannot imagine what they must be feeling. But, as they said in their email, they know that God is in control of all things, and they have peace that she is with Him. Wow! I can only ask that all of the people who read this would just take a moment to ask God for comfort and clarity as they deal with all the aspects of something like this happening. An accident...in an international setting...where they live as witnesses in a land of militant islamic believers...their heads must be spinning with all the decisions they must make for their future, not to mention just having to accept the loss and God's will when it comes at such a personal cost for them and their family.

Pray for Samuel, who was Anna's constant playmate since birth, for Timberley as a grieving mother. and Todd who has lost his little girl. With all the songs and books out on relationships these days, I think we all know that fathers have a special place in their hearts for their daughters, and Todd is a strong man of God, which will help sustain him through this tragic time. This family has been sold out to God for many years and they have deep love for their people group, so I ask God that they would have peace about how to continue life on these new terms. I've included some pictures that Timberley's sent me over the last year of their family. You can see how young and sweet Anna was. Full of fun and adventure, as is true for so many children who grow up in an international setting.

Anna getting braids on vacation. Sweet girl!

Todd and Timberley, Samuel and Anna
on vacation in Bali.

MK's often make life more interesting for themselves
by playing with bugs and animals in their
country of residence. Here Samuel and Anna

have slugs on their neck and face and their mom
sent it to me with the subtitle "Sam and Anna's pets".

So, thanks for praying for this family!

On a personal note, I enjoyed a weekend of feeling well and had a great worship experience on Sunday morning, but woke up Monday morning with clogged sinuses again. I don't know if it's a recurring sinus infection or what, but it's pretty uncomfortable to live with, so I've had a hard week. I hate always complaining about life here, but the most honest thing I can say is it's difficult to be here. This week, because of being so exhausted and discouraged about being sick all the time, I've been entertaining the possibility of coming home for good this summer. I really don't want to, and don't have peace about doing that, but the entertaining of said possibility is something that keeps coming to my mind every time I blow my nose, or feel uncomfortable. Yesterday, during A11, I lost it on my kids because they just could not shut up! I have a new boy in that class who is older (in a class of younger more serious learners), and before he came to my class he walked past another class and gave them the middle finger, so you can see how charming this one is. His name is Victor, and he's been in my class 3 times now. Since the first day, he sits right under my nose, and still he manages to wreak havoc on the rest of the kids, changing the dynamic of a class that had finally gotten to a manageable place. He gets everyone all riled up and yesterday they all thought they could say, "Teacher, teacher, teacher..." multiple times each to get my attention. Well with 14 kids in a class, it doesn't take but one time each for me to start to lose it. So, they had to endure a 30 second loud lesson on what they can and cannot do to get my attention in the future. I then called up the Chinese assistant to reinforce what's o.k., and what's not o.k. in Teacher Larissa's class. We'll see tomorrow if they remember it.

I am longing for the weekend. Today is Thursday so it's very near, but I'm staring my longest day in the face and now feel so heavy because of the shocking news about Todd and Timberley's daughter. I am facing nothing today like what they are facing. I think I will do well to remember God doesn't put on us more than we can handle and all things work together for our good according to His will and His purpose.

Gotta grade some tests. Thanks for praying.

Until next time, LC from The TW

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