
"What happened to your face?"

That was the first question of the day yesterday when I walked into work. I discovered after a frustrating few minutes of dialogue that I had made my makeup just a little dark, and my manager, Stanley thought I had a bruise. Yea, it's funny now that you think about it, but it prompted this rant, which can only really be titled, "10 Things I Hate About Taiwan" (but there may only be a few in this entry since I don't have mental energy on a Wednesday morning to come up with the entire list...probably.)

1. I hate the way the Chinese cannot speak subtly about anything, so they end up saying things like, "What happened to your face?" when they probably shouldn't say anything at all, or if they must say something, it should be something like, "You have a dark mark on your cheek." My T.A. kept saying, "You have black." It wasn't black and my Canadian co-worker looked at her after she said it the third time and said, "It's not black. It's makeup. You need to review your colors. This CHAIR is black." I laughed at that.

2. I hate that today I have to teach 7 hours in a row without any more than 20 minutes break at any one time, and the Chinese think that this is o.k. This hate can also be summed up in their determination to squeeze the life blood out of their teachers, because they don't value humans, just work, material things, and money. I hate that.

3. I hate when I'm riding my scooter in the dark and I hit a large pothole that sends my scooter down to the earths' core and me on the back of it landing with a mighty jolt to my entire system. Sick of that, and it happens at least once every day.

More to come...later!

Until next time,
LC from the TW


Stephanie C. said...

OH, Riss, it's time for you to leave. Praying about that for you!

Irene Morris said...

It's kind of an oxymoron b/c TWese people can be (obnoxious/rude)blunt and very high context at the same time. I truly empathize with you.