
Two weeks, two weekends, and...

too many emotions to explain why I haven't written in that length of time, and why I'm sitting on my couch on a Monday morning, in denial that my day/week looms large in front of me and I've done no planning. All this to say, this is a short update with high points of how re-entry has been in the past two weeks here.

I made it through the first week of teaching without too much fanfare. The new teacher, who my boss had made such a fuss about him being my age, was here when I returned and there is definitely no there there. He's not bad looking but he's not for me. Mainly because he's not walking with the Lord, and that makes him completely unattractive to me, but also because I think he's quirky and strange and may put my money on a future news story highlighting a sordid past at the community college where he taught most recently before moving to Taiwan in the middle of the school year to teach 1st graders. (That was a great sentence don't you think? Long by anyones standards but particularly meaty coming from the English teacher that I am! Woo hoo!) So, first week down, I entered last weekend with a few things to do, but it was raining and cold, so I didn't do much. Got my hair washed/head massaged Saturday morning. (A great indulgence for less than $10.) Then I met up with my co-worker for some shopping and a movie. (Saw The Bucket List and thought it was great.) The first Sunday back was great seeing people on the worship team at church, and reconnecting to the body in Taiwan. The rest of the weekend was chill with me fixing tacos for the roommates for Sunday dinner. We usually have Sunday evening dinner together, sometimes with friends and sometimes just the four of us.

Last week went by pretty quickly because we had this random day off on 2/28, which was Thursday and my hardest day of the week. I was thrilled to stay up late on Wednesday night, sleep late on Thursday morning, do laundry, and generally have a lazy day in the middle of the week. Friday was a quick day because it felt awesome to have a "one day week" so to speak, and the weekend was upon me again.

Saturday I got up early and scooted over to Chudong to read stories to the munchkins from 10 to 11, (part of my job I have to do about once a month), then I scooted to Jubei to catch the High Speed to Taipei and meet up with Lucy. Lucy is Irene Morris' sister and she is great to spend time with. Except for one annoying thing, which is she makes me eat Chinese food when I'm with her. Alas, I found myself at a hotpot restaurant for two hours with Lucy on Saturday afternoon. Taipei is full of American chains like Chili's and Macaroni Grill so I'm generally disappointed to have to eat bad Chinese when I can eat bad American food. It was great company though, and I made it back to Hsinchu by 7, so not too bad of a day.

Yesterday, I led worship in the morning, spent the afternoon with my roommates rearranging our house and hanging some pictures I had framed, then napping. We made breakfast for dinner at 6:30 last night for about 10 people before we saw a two hour (about) slideshow from our friend Hein. He just returned from 3 weeks in Thailand and Cambodia and had an amazing time with great stories to tell, so it was fun.

Now, this morning, I'm struggling again to get out the door. Thus there will be no pictures with this posting, but promises to do so later.

It's March, best month of the year...hee hee...and I promise to do better with the posts this month. Thanks to all of you who read it faithfully or try to (sorry Stephanie;).

One funny story about A11 from last week. As I was teaching and calling out the names of the children to participate in various class activities, I unwittingly called on two children one right after the other with interesting names. The first one's name is Willie and the second one is named Nelson. I said, "Willie, Nelson, come up here." And then, I heard what I had said and just busted out laughing at myself. These kids must definitely think I'm nuts. As if that wasn't funny enough, two days later, same class, I called on two other kids. The first one is a little girl called Jessie and the second one I called up was James. Yep, I've got Jessie James and Willie Nelson in my A11 class. Only in the TW!

Take care until next time,


Grana said...

It's about time! I thought you might have fallen off the end of the earth! I was hoping you would get back on here so we could wish you a Happy Birthday! It's getting close you know! Hope your week is a good one!
Luv ya,

MezzoCO said...

Hey Larissa - It was great to see you last month!! am praying for you!
Katy D.

Womack said...

Thanks for the update. I can just picture you laughing as you called out those names! Many of us would be laughing along with you. I'm sure you had some perplexed looks in that classroom.
It was great to see you.
Praying for you,

Stephanie C. said...

Willie Nelson and Jesse James--I, too, can hear you bursting out. Gotta have some fun, however it comes!